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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Just who I am and what I do...

So here it goes... A blog?? What in the world am I getting myself into? How will I find the time to do this the right way? You will see what I mean once I introduce myself.  I am a 3rd grade teacher in West Virginia! I love my job and my kiddos! But, more importantly is my role of being AJO and MJO's mommy! I live in a crazy world that feels like a hamster wheel at times, but it is an exciting ride.  These have proven to be the best days of my life. 

Why am I doing this? I was required to take a class which would introduce me to the world of blogging.  I had visited many education blogs, but never considered creating one myself... But here I am!

I hope to provide my readers with a little insight of my feelings, adventures, humor, classroom ideas, and my struggles.  I wonder if this is a way to have adult conversation.  After all the majority of my day is spent with kids under the age of 8! And that I am totally ok with! 


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